W5AWP’s net is held every Tuesday evening at 19:00. Be sure to check the Area Nets section for the frequency and tone/offset.
Tuesday | Net Control |
1st | Greg |
2nd | Fred |
3rd | Mike |
4th | Increase |
5th* | Greg |
* when a 5th Tuesday happens in a month
Alcorn County Tuesday Night Weekly Net Control Preamble
[One minute before calling the net say the following:]
Does anybody need to use the repeater before I call the net?
At 1930 hours say:
Good Evening
Attention all stations, this is [your call sign phonetically]. My Name is [your name] and I am located in [your city/state]. I will be the Net Control Operator tonight for the Alcorn County Ham Radio Club Weekly Net.
Before we begin this evening are there any stations that have emergency or priority traffic? Please call net control now.
This net is conducted every Tuesday evening at 1930 local on the 146.925 W5AWP repeater, located in Corinth, MS using a sub-audible tone of 107.2. In the event of a repeater outage, please use the UHF frequency on 444.600 with a sub-audible tone of 203.5 and +5 offset. All stations, whether or not club members, are welcome and encouraged to check in.
This is a directed net and all stations should direct all traffic through net control.
The Purpose of this Net is to provide an on the air meeting for all club members and local hams and to provide information pertinent to the interests of the group.
I will now proceed with the weekly check-in. Check in will be by ham radio call sign prefix one station at a time beginning with stations whose call sign begins with A Alpha/K Kilo/N November/W Whiskey . Please wait for Net Control to acknowledge the station checking in before you transmit. If you have traffic for the net please say with traffic when checking in. We will also have a late check in call just before the end of the net.
[If stations indicated they had traffic or announcements say this otherwise skip this]
We will now check with stations who stated that they had traffic or announcements. Call the stations with Traffic or Announcements
Are there any other Hamfest or any General Ham Radio related announcements for the net? Call net control now.
Before I conclude the net: This will be the last call for any new or late check-ins wishing to check into the Alcorn County Ham Radio Club Net net. Please call net control now.
Since there are no additional check-ins, I am concluding this week’s Alcorn County Ham Radio Club weekly net. Thanks to all stations for checking in. The repeater is now released for normal service. This is [your call] clear.
Net Control Follow Up
When the weekly net is concluded, please pass along the number of check in’s to the club at